Payment Notes
Alpha Commerce Limited is a part of Alpha IBC Group of companies that provides the services of incorporation and administration of offshore and domestic companies as well as secretarial, nominee and bank introduction services through its offices in the UK and Cyprus.
Please note that by making payment by credit card you pay to Alpha Commerce Limited. London office is responsible for accepting and processing of your payment. All queries regarding payment and refund should be addressed by email to [email protected]. This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it or by post to
Alpha Commerce Limited4th Floor, 13 John Prince’s Street,
London W1G 0JR, UK
Phone: 020 7495 6366
Facsimile: 020 7499 6368
e-mail: [email protected]
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The Group accepts responsibility for execution and delivery of your order on a basis of terms and conditions and within time limits set out below. All queries in respect of status of your order should be addressed to an office or address, where it was initially submitted.
We commit ourselves to deliver all the services and documents within two weeks from the date of approval received from governing or registration authority, if any. If no approval or registration is required we aim to deliver the services within one month from the date of client’s return acknowledgment to our notice confirming our understanding of his (her) order and complete and full payment of the requested services has been received. Any limitation and restrictions of our services are given in our disclaimer.
Please note that we offer a full refund in case of neglect or gross misconduct or wilful error on our part. The documents are tailored to client's need and requirements according to received instructions and we would re-structure the documents at no extra charge, if client would choose not to pursue for a full refund in the above cases.
An order could be cancelled in full or partially. The client would be liable for the fraction of cost that has accrued at the time of cancellation.
Please note that all payments are processed in Sterling Pounds and are subject to a commission of 2.5% for payment by Visa or MasterCard and 3.5% for payment by American Express. No commission applies to payment by acceptable debit card. Please refer to a currency calculator, should you wish to estimate an amount that would be billed to your card in a currency of your card denomination.