Hong Kong

Location South East Asia
Population 7 million
Native language Cantonese, Mandarin, English
Currency Hong Kong dollar
Political status Democracy
Constitution & Political status/stability Basic Law
Banking & professional facilities Most major international banks operate in Hong Kong. International and local accounting firms, and local and foreign law firms are available
Legal system English Common Law

Income tax
resident 15%
non-resident 15%
resident 15%
non-resident 15%
Corporate tax
resident 16%
non-resident 16%
exempt N/A
Estate duty Yes
Withholding taxes No (dividend or interest or undistributed profits)
Exchange controls
resident No
non-resident No

Are trusts permitted? Yes
Perpetuity period Rule against perpetuities
Accumulation period N/A
Statutory trust law No
Trust duty No
Forced heirship exclusion No
Asset protection measures No
Trust register No
Resident trustee/s required No
Regulation of trustees Yes, Trust Law

Type of corporate vehicles Private and public limited companies
Incorporation time scale Seven working days
Fees: Incorporation - Government Approximately US$230 for authorised share capital of HK$10,000, HK$1 per additional authorised share capital of HK$1,000
Other Approximately US$800 for professional fee
Annual -
Approximately US$350 for business registration fee and nominal fee (US$15) for filing annual return
Other Nil
Resident directors required No
Min number of directors required 2
Directors meetings required Yes
Other requirements Resident secretary
Beneficial ownership disclosure No
Shareholder disclosure Public register
Minimum number of shareholders 2
Bearer shares allowed No
No-par value shares allowed No
Public share register Yes
Shareholders meetings required Yes
Frequency Annual
Place Anywhere
Annual return required Yes
Audit required Yes
Foreign currency accounting allowed Yes
Registered office Yes, physical address in Hong Kong
Registered agent No
Stamp/capital duty Yes, 0.2% for share's stamp duty and 0.1 % for capital duty (capped at HK$30,000 per case)
Naming your company The intended company name must not be the same as one already registered. Must end with 'limited'
Company mobility provisions/redomicility rules