USA Wyoming

Corporate Legislation Source The Wyoming Limited Liability Company Act sections 17-15-101 through 17-15-144 of the Wyoming state code.
Company Status LLC & Corporations.
Advantages LLC are free from all US taxes. Corporations have the lowest tax rate in the US . Not usually recognized as a tax haven.
Disadvantages Corporations are taxed on their world wide income and need to file a tax return with the authorities.
Capital No Minimum
Company Name Prior approval required..
Incorporation Time 1-2 weeks.
Shelf Companies Yes but can be more expensive.
Capital Duty None
Shareholders LLC Require a min of 2 which are called members – they do not hold shares in a company but agree to hold a percentage which is usually indicated in the Operating Agreement.
Corporations – One
Bearer Shares No shares issued.
Directors LLC – No MinimumCorporations No Minimum
Secretary Not required
Registered Office This is not required but a contact address must be provided.
Information available on public file LLC – Details of members, Registered Agent or contact address available. Corporations – Registered Agent/Contact Address.
Documents to be held at Registered Office None
Accounts LLC – Not required
Corporation – This is required so that the annual return can be prepared and filed.
Annual Return No
Double Taxation Treaties Plentiful